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Showing posts with the label Blog

This lockdown, Unlock happiness.

A glance at my home calendar made me realize that August has a plethora of festivals taking place but there is not much hullabaloo and how can I expect any. I remember how in pre-corona times, the months of August and September were famous for their bank holidays and how we would eagerly wait for Ganpati vacation  and modaks . "Good old days" I spent a fair amount of time over this thought and noted that festivals in lockdown made us realize how fortunate we are and were and low-key took that for granted. I believe a society is formed, and established by mere connection and social interaction but its cohesion and oneness are fueled by celebrations and festivals. They assert inclusiveness enhances understanding within the community and strengthens the social fabric. They attempt to create a shift from the mundane happenings of everyday life and also instill a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm.  Bu...

Just a thought .

Hello there..... I hope you've missed me cause I have :^) Loads of things happened this month and honestly I'm in a stew, how July has swept into its last phase too. This month itself, one of the days when I was lazing around a very small thing occupies my attention and I find myself wondering. Does that happened to you?  If not, I consider myself different ! &  If "yes" then 'Fist bump'. Just a small thought, 'Two people in the same house, share a similar moment.Well before even your creative juices flow and perceive the unwanted i'd like to burst the imaginative bubbles of yours, its nothing of that sort.'  Maybe it's a Wednesday, I barely remember, almost afternoon. We had breakfast, had our ears to some excruciating news and we seem disappointed, not surprised though.  The day goes by, my sister heads to her cosy spot - the bedroom, my mother walks up to the kitchen and I am seated in the living room trying to decide; how t...

Happy? Social Media Day !

Hello there and welcome back ! Thanks for making it yet again :D Today is 30th June, in case you've stopped keeping track of days and today is also what we call, THE SOCIAL MEDIA DAY. Social media has been governing our lives, and in this lockdown we have been turning to social media for passing our time. Right since the dawn till we sleep, we regularly check Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest.  So what if we couldn’t travel in this lockdown, we were travelling from one app to another.  Facebook , is for keeping in touch with family & friends and to remember birthdays. Twitter is for news mostly sensational, Youtube is video entertainment, Pinterest is for inspiration which begins and ends with the opening and closing of the app and  Now we come to the social media app which seems like everyone’s favourite! INSTAGRAM !  What started out as a photo sharing app; has now become a toxic place! I feel it disguises itself with extreme narcis...